Marc Ching Convicted For Kidnapping Animal Abuser, Scammer Frauds !!
Marc Ching is a fraud and animal abuser pretending he cares about the dogs in the cat and dog meat trade, when actually he is directly responsible for murdering Jessie. The video shows and has proven that he had paid to have her tortured and had sent her to a painful and barbaric death. He has been using this to gain large amount of money to fund his criminal activities and his involvement in the Dog and Cat meat Trade.
Jessie is one of the countless Dogs that suffered a painful tortuous execution by Marc Ching so that he could scam the public for money (donations)
Marc Ching Setting up meeting with Dog Meat Traders
After years of Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation SCAMS including MARC CHING #PETSTAURANT (The Petstaurant) that was also EXPOSED they are trying another tactic to de-fraud the public out of Donations by pretending to be fAKE help line for abused animals /foster service and trying to put on a another spin on their #ScamAnimalHopeandWellnessFoundation Trustees board to support their ANIMAL ABUSE CHARITY SCAMS especially on SOCIAL MEDIA
2nd August 2022: Marc Ching continues to practice and advertise his services and still obtain scam donations directly to the Animal Hope and Wellness Shelter in China.
He and his co conspirators Jon Cosu and Micheal Chour still operate in Ghana across USA and in South East Asia but murdering countless dogs on social media snd setting up fake rescues. DO Not donate to them !!
Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation Board Members who are all are complicit with FRAUD & ANIMAL ABUSE!!!
Please Sign and Share the Petition
Marc Ching paid to torture and blow torch, torment and murder Jessie and he video it to gain donations fraudulently. He scammed people using the horrific footages that he orchestrated in order to gain donations fraudulently. (Website Justice4Jessie for more information)
Jessie is one of the countless Dogs that suffered a painful tortuous execution by Marc Ching so that he could scam the public for money ( donations)
Liberty, was another one of the countless dogs used by Marc Ching in his fake campaigns ,he paid and took footage of Liberty being tortured by having her legs chopped off , so he could use the footage in his fake campaigns for more donations. He then had prosthetic legs attached to her and he tormented her whilst forcing her to live with him - her abuser . He used Liberty as another one of his abused dogs posters for his fake campaigns.
Angel, was another dog who Marc Ching paid to have tortured by 4 men and repeatedly beaten to death till she couldn't take anymore. He then used the horrific footage AGAIN to get more donations for his fake campaign.
Another Dog called Chance and re named Riley who suffered and was used by Marc Ching to further his fake campaigns for more donations.
Marc Ching has scammed so many celebrities and members of the public for donations pretending the money was used to rescue animals where in fact he let 1000 dogs which people donated money to rescue , he left to die a horrible death whilst he profited the money for himself.
There is more evidence that has been gathered of all his fraudulent activities involving being given loads of donations to help dogs in Asia none of which reached the animals.
Marc Ching used donations to set up two businesses: The Petstaurant one based in Sherman Oaks and another in Los Angeles . He used these businesses to falsely claim to cure animals through his unsubstantiated and dangerous products . Which has lead to the pain and suffering in some cases deaths of the animals involved.